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Catch up on what's happening at Collaroy Tennis Club

Rainbow Ready Program a big hit!

Our reputation for inclusion and diversity continues to grow…

As a result of two successful Pride events run at Collaroy Tennis Club earlier this year, Tennis NSW invited the Club to be one of only three in Sydney to take part in its inaugural ‘Rainbow Ready Clubs Program’, which came complete with a $1500 grant. (The other two clubs were Blacktown Leisure Centre at Stanhope and City Community Tennis in Surry Hills.)

The six week program consisted of free supervised tennis for local LGBTQI+ community members and was proudly supported by NSW Health and Stride Mental Health Services.

CTC members Dave Keogh, Glenn Robertson and Kate Byrne volunteered to supervise what was initially planned to be six weeks of social tennis. However in Week 1, it quickly became clear that our 5 participants were pretty much absolute beginners and so it was decided to incorporate some basic training each week before finishing with social play.

Though nervous at first, the Rainbow players quickly warmed to the program. They were all extremely friendly people and enjoyed the sessions more and more each week. There was a real sense of camaraderie among the group that was graciously extended to the supervisors… and man, did the players improve!

Glenn and Dave demo. how it's done
Glenn and Dave demo. how it's done

By the end of the six weeks, all were capable of playing sets and having rallies that often ended with winners that Comp. players would be proud to claim. One player, Gary,became so adept at serves and overheads that he had Glenn and Dave ducking for cover during drills aimed at improving the Smash.

Gary - targeting the Mentors
Gary - targeting the Mentors

The program covered everything from grips and stances to balance and co-ordination, the essential strokes and court positioning… and focused on the underlying theme that tennis is meant to be FUN! This was reinforced after the last session when the Club generously covered a round of drinks for everyone at a ‘graduation party’.

The upshot of Rainbow Ready is that we now have 5 players who are all keen to continue playing, all likely to seek coaching from Evolve and all with the end goal of joining what they see as a warm, friendly and accepting club. And our reputation has been further enhanced in the eyes of the State’s governing body, Tennis NSW.

Rainbow Ready was definitely a worthwhile investment of time, beyond the initial financial benefit. It’s likely we’ll do it all again next year.


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