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Catch up on what's happening at Collaroy Tennis Club

Collaroy Centenary Christmas Party Dinner

The Manly Club – Saturday 26th November 2022

After a day of fun social tennis and watching Club Legends like Petith & Bourke, Davies & Gorman and Bridges & King among others, strut their stuff on the hallowed artificial turf of Collaroy Tennis Club in ‘The Championships’, members re-gathered in the evening at The Manly Club for our Christmas Party Dinner – the next-to-last Centenary Celebration of 2022 (Finals / Presentation Day still to come on December 10).

After convening over ‘drinks on arrival’, guests were ushered to their tables as entrees were served. As a revolving presentation of classic CTC images looped on the ‘big’ screen behind him, President Vito Cincinnato welcomed the 60+ guests, including former Presidents, Trustees and Committee Members plus the current committee, members and friends, to a night of relaxed celebration. Major Club Sponsor, Brendan Pomponio of Belle Property was also present with his partner Sky and associates Charli and Elaine.

Vito listed some of the many highlights achieved by the Club in our Centenary year, thanked the hard-working committee who helped make them happen and discussed plans for the future. He concluded by wishing all our members and the many friends of Collaroy Tennis Club, a very Happy Christmas season and Best Wishes for a wonderful New Year ahead. Then the party started…

The food was excellent and the ‘Happy Hour’ Margaritas ‘til 9pm were much enjoyed by many of the gathered members. Garry Matthew-Stubbs preferred his signature Bourbons & Coke as he circumnavigated the room, barely recognisable dressed in a non-neon, un-fluro, subtly-coloured shirt.

In the meantime, Rob Davies and his lovely wife Sue (aka ‘Tim and Tam’) regaled guests with stories from ‘the old country’, while Rob continued to hustle for raffle ticket sales and talk up his chances of winning the Club Championship (golf) in a big match scheduled for the following day.



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