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News and Events
Catch up on what's happening at Collaroy Tennis Club

Collaroy celebrates the last Grand Slam of 2023 in style
Hot Dog! Garry and the Girls. The US Open was the last Grand Slam of the year and we celebrated accordingly at Collaroy Tennis Club. With...
Collaroy Tennis Club
Sep 13, 2023

Collaroy Tennis Club Proves Scientific Theory… Music can Change the Flavour of Wine!
‘Synaesthesia’ is a neurological condition in which some people experience one of the senses, through another. For example, great...
Collaroy Tennis Club
Jul 26, 2023

Collaroy celebrates the Grand Slams
Glenn, 'The Annas' and Lee GRAND SLAM GRANDEUR Never a club to let the opportunity for a party pass us by, club stalwarts Lynne and Ros...
Collaroy Tennis Club
Jul 22, 2023

Collaroy Pride Day as part of Sydney WorldPride 2023 Pride Amplified was a fab success!
On Saturday March 4 , there wasn’t a rainbow to be seen in the skies above Long Reef Headland, but there were plenty on the ground at our...
Collaroy Tennis Club
Apr 7, 2023

Collaroy hosts first ever tennis Pride Day on the Northern Beaches
Justine and Tony - proud to be Collaroy members What a brilliant event to kick off the New Year! Our club won a grant from Tennis...
Collaroy Tennis Club
Feb 2, 2023

Collaroy celebrates Most Outstanding Tennis Club awards
What a year for Collaroy Tennis Club… and what a week of celebrations! Following on from Presentation Day on Saturday 10 December to mark...
Collaroy Tennis Club
Dec 23, 2022
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